Becky is a beneficiary financed by friends of the foundation living in the USA. She is a 2nd year Bio-Chemistry student at Kenyatta University. She has just won the lottery; Her sponsors are financing for her a one month trip to the USA.
She arrived in California at 12:48 PM on the 4th of April. Read her email to the Founder Trustees below:
From: “becky wandie”
Sent: Friday, April 12, 2013 11:02:57 PM
Subject: THANKYOU!!!
I got here nice and safe and totally enjoyed the cozy flight. It’s been so busy with the Glenn’s taking me everywhere and getting me all this things :-).I am having such a great time, I have to pinch n kick myself all the time to make sure this is real and is truly happening. God bless your heart for thinking of needy people and starting the Palmhouse Foundation because you are truly transforming and changing lives. My life has changed so much ever since i got accepted into the PF family. I promise you sir, I will make it in life and be super successful and give back to the Foundation and even start my own for Disabled children in Kenya. Thankyou so so much for making this happen for me. The Glenn’s are ridiculously kind and loving and caring. Thankyou for bringing them into my life. I will remain forever indebted to you for all that’s happening to me now. I love you so much and pray to God everyday to always leave his Floodgates open for you and Margaret and your family.
Have a great and bountiful day.
Pass my love to Mum, Mumbi, Muthoni, Dorcas, Jane and everyone at PF.
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